Identifying And Addressing Gingivitis At A Checkup

Are you someone who has issues with gingivitis? It is important to recognize when there are problems with your gums, and there are signs of trouble you can look out for between appointments. Recognizing when something is wrong points to the need for you to protect yourself more effectively with your oral hygiene routine and the need to make sure your next dental checkup is scheduled! At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can provide important protection during your routine reviews. When necessary, we can also make sure that any active problems are addressed. For patients with gingivitis, we can provide a scaling and root planing treatment to fight the bacteria responsible for your condition.

Dental Checkups Are Important For Updating You About Your Oral Health

Dental checkups provide consistent updates about the health of your smile. Beyond looking out for cavities, we can identify signs of trouble like gingivitis. Recognizing that something is wrong with your periodontal health is important because this condition, when not treated in time, will worsen and become a more serious threat to your well-being. Long-term consequences of poorly managed periodontal health include issues with tooth loss and even general health threats!

When Gingivitis Is Identified At An Exam

To fight gingivitis at home, you should keep up with a thorough brushing and flossing routine, one that will protect you against the buildup of harmful microbes that can cause cavities and gum disease. To make sure you are protected, keep up with regular trips to the dentist’s office. We can provide a scaling and root planing to remove bacteria on the roots of your teeth and help you recover. This goes beyond the typical cleaning, which focuses on the removal of harmful plaque and tartar above the gums.

Other Problems We Can Address During Your Checkups

General checkups provide timely warnings when cavities have formed. Even a small cavity makes it necessary for you to receive a permanent restoration, but early treatment limits the amount of harm done to your tooth. When treated in time, we can address decay with a conservative dental filling, which preserves surrounding enamel and prevents cosmetic issues by matching the appearance of your healthy tooth structure.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Identifying And Treating Gingivitis At A Checkup

Gingivitis is not a problem to take lightly, but it is something that you can have addressed by your dentist’s office during an exam! In addition to providing this protection, we can offer support through cleanings and exams that keep you safe from the different threats that your smile faces. If you would like to find out more about our office, and the services that we can provide, please reach out to Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.