Implant Dentistry And Your Smile Recovery

The restoration of your smile after tooth loss can lead to more confidence in your smile as well as your capacity for biting and chewing. What might surprise you is how the right approach to prosthetic treatment can also help your overall oral health. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can meet with patients affected by tooth loss to discuss the positive impact of implant dentistry. Through the appropriate treatment, we can provide a permanently held restoration that will offer stability and security for a lifelike appliance. When you smile and speak, you can feel comfortable knowing that your prosthetic has improved on the way you look. You can also be glad for the support this arrangement provides, and for its ability to sustain the health of your jawbone and surrounding teeth.

Restorative Dentistry Can Provide A Lasting Solution To Tooth Loss

The loss of even a single tooth can have significant consequences, which can actually worsen as time passes. Certain risks you can face by not addressing this problem including the loss of more teeth, jaw pain and stiffness due to worsened bite function, and the deterioration of your jawbone, which can change your appearance and well-being. Putting off treatment for your incomplete smile makes you more likely to experience more significant effects of this problem. The sooner you say something to your dentist, the sooner you can learn how a replacement tooth held in position with an implant can help you!

How Implant Dentistry Improves Your Smile And Dental Function

Through implant dentistry, we can help you smile with more confidence, bite and chew with greater ease, and generally enjoy a better quality of life! The implant itself is set directly into your jawbone through a surgical procedure; this will take place only after your dentist performs a review to both determine the location of your restoration and confirm that you are ready to move forward with care. After this work is done, you will go through a period of recovery, after which you can come back to our practice to receive your permanent prosthetic.

Keeping Up With Dental Care After Restorative Work

Whether you have recently undergone restorative dental work or have maintained a healthy smile, you should be consistent about preventive care. At your regular dental exams and cleanings, you will receive helpful support that both alerts you to active problems and makes issues less likely to impact you in the future.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Implant Dentistry!

Through implant dentistry, our practice can give you back confidence in your smile along with better bite support and oral health! If you are ready to find out more about how we can support you, please reach out to Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.