While you may assume that dental appointments are focused on cavity concerns and the need to restore unhealthy teeth, there are other reasons to schedule these visits. When you attend a checkup, your Dallas, TX dentist will help you address a range of possible concerns about your oral health and general well-being. One concern we can look out for is the onset of problems with TMJ disorder. If you have recurring difficulties due to jaw pain and stiffness, or if you have a tendency to grind or clench your teeth, we can offer support through the appropriate treatment.
Is It Time To Start Worrying About Your Problems With Jaw Pain And Stiffness?
A person who regularly feels pain in their face and jaw, finds it more difficult to bite and chew, has more frequent headaches, or struggles with nightly teeth grinding and clenching may have issues with TMJ disorder. This is a problem that can develop for many different reasons. Teeth grinding, poor bite alignment, jaw and facial injuries, and more can lead to worsening problems of joint alignment and movement. The good news is that with the right treatment approach, you can enjoy real relief from persistent discomfort.
What A Custom Appliance Does To Relieve Jaw Pain And Stiffness
Putting an end to problems with TMJ disorder, and related issues with bruxism (teeth grinding), can improve your quality of life. After we evaluate you and confirm that this is an issue that you are struggling with, we can recommend that you use a custom oral appliance to better position your jaw. This correction can lead to better, more comfortable movement that reduces stress and strain. A custom guard can also be helpful because it can stop you from grinding and clenching your teeth while you are asleep.
Other Issues We Watch Out For During A Dental Appointment
At your regular dental exams, we look out for many different problems that can affect your oral health and appearance. Problems with dental decay can certainly affect you over time, but you can lower your risk for this problem when your smile is regularly evaluated and cleaned. If a problem does occur, we can recognize it and provide prompt treatment before there are complications. We can also help you manage your periodontal health, which can help you preserve your health and appearance.
Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Your Ongoing Issues With Jaw Pain
If you have ongoing problems with jaw pain and stiffness, seeking help from your dentist can improve your oral health and quality of life! In addition to welcoming patients who set appointments to discuss TMJ disorder, we can discuss your potential need for treatment when you come in for a regular dental exam. If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you, call Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.