Responding To Tooth Pain And Sensitivity

Once you start to experience tooth pain, or begin to develop issues with sensitivity, it can be difficult to go about your day without the distraction of your discomfort. While this is an inconvenience, it is also important to note that these uncomfortable feelings can be a warning that something is wrong with your oral health. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can evaluate you to determine why you have issues with pain or sensitivity, and from there we can discuss treatment. Remember that letting a problem go unaddressed gives it time to worsen, which can lead to complications that create more threats for your smile!

Dental Discomfort Can Be Difficult To Ignore

Any kind of dental discomfort can be a frustrating problem, one that is difficult for you to ignore. Eating and drinking can become unpleasant when you experience spikes of pain or sensitivity, and it can be difficult for you to shake the feeling that something is seriously wrong when these negative feelings persist. You should not ignore signs that something is wrong. When problems like tooth decay or gum disease are not dealt with, they can worsen, and that can make you vulnerable to bigger issues. Complications can also make treatment for your smile more difficult.

What If I Need Treatment For A Dental Problem?

If your evaluation confirms that a problem like tooth decay is responsible for your uncomfortable feelings, we can move forward with the appropriate restorative dental work. A cavity treatment will stop the spread of decay and prevent any further damage to your enamel. When caught in time, treatment can be more conservative, as we have the ability to provide long-term protection with a tooth filling. However, a larger cavity can require more involved services. Your protection can come from a dental crown, and you may need work done to address an internal infection.

Stay Consistent With Exams To Prevent Problems

Preventive dental services do more than just bring up active problems. The detection and treatment of cavities and gum disease will certainly be important, but your regular appointments are also meant to be a deterrent for these kinds of issues. One service that certainly helps is your scheduled teeth cleaning, which will remove plaque and tartar deposits that build up between appointments.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Your Pain Or Sensitivity Issues

Problems with tooth pain and sensitivity can be tough to ignore. By bringing them up with your dentist, you can have an active problem identified and addressed before it has the chance to worsen and cause further harm to your oral health! If you have questions about our services, or if there is a specific issue that you would like to discuss, please call Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.