Is There A Discreet Way To Straighten Teeth?

The benefits to fixing malocclusion—poor teeth spacing—extend beyond the cosmetic. You can actually make improvements to your oral health in several ways when you start orthodontic treatment. Better alignment makes it easier to maintain a natural bite movement. It can also mean no more struggling to preserve the health of teeth that overlap and are harder to clean. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can provide an alternative to care with traditional metal braces, so you can see the right results from orthodontic work even if you are self-conscious about metal braces. Finding out about the benefits of care with Invisalign can help you move forward with a service that offers lasting value!

Exploring The Advantages To Clear Aligner Treatment

What currently stands between you and a more attractive smile? If the answer includes problems with poorly spaced teeth, orthodontic work can help. However, this does not mean you have to agree to work with metal braces to see the changes that you want. What you can do instead is ask about Invisalign. A set of personalized aligners can make the work involved in fixing how you look easier to fit into your life. This is because Invisalign offers a discreet form of care and because your aligners will be easy to remove.

The Beginning Of Your Orthodontic Adjustment

The orthodontic work with Invisalign will begin after you undergo an evaluation to make sure that you are a good candidate for treatment, and so that we can gather measurements to use in designing custom appliances. Those appliances are used in sequence to gradually guide teeth. You can remove them when you need to eat or clean your teeth; at other times of day, you can find it easy to keep them in place because they are so difficult for others to notice!

What Else Can Your Dentist Do To Improve Your Smile?

In addition to making smile improvements with orthodontic work, we do offer cosmetic dental work. This can take the form of treatment with porcelain veneers, a form of care that produces results by capping restorations to the fronts of teeth. This can actually hide problems with poor teeth spacing as well as with a smile that is affected by damage, discoloration, or other issues.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Clear Aligner Treatment!

Through the use of Invisalign clear aligners, we are able to help patients who feel bothered by their poor teeth spacing. Saying something about your interest in treatment can be an important first step toward work that ultimately benefits your smile and oral health! For more information on this or any other service that we offer, please reach out to Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.