Reviewing The Benefits Of Care With Veneers

Should you really say something to your dentist about cosmetic treatment? As exciting as it can be to imagine how your smile can be improved, you may fear that the results you want are either out of reach or only available through a drawn-out process. What you can find is that just one procedure may be all you need to fully achieve the improvements that you want. At our Dallas, TX dentist’s office, we can recommend porcelain veneers for people bothered by discoloration, dental damage, poor teeth spacing, and more! This one procedure can hide many different flaws while only requiring conservative changes to your tooth structure.

What Kinds Of Issues Can Cosmetic Work Address?

Cosmetic dentistry takes on different issues that make people unhappy with how they look. These issues include concerns about discoloration, problems with dental damage and wear and tear, and even trouble with poor teeth spacing. If you have more than one problem with the way you currently look when you smile and speak, you can be happy to know that one service can actually take on these different matters at one time. We can use porcelain veneers to hide different concerns; these restorations only cover the front surfaces of teeth, but in doing so they can provide many meaningful benefits.

Using Porcelain Veneers To Improve The Way You Look

Veneers are thin shells that your dentist can permanently bond to the front surfaces of teeth. Before you receive yours, you will come in for an initial appointment so that we can evaluate your teeth and take the appropriate measurements, and so that we can provide preparatory work to ensure they fit properly. You will come back for a second point once your personalized restorations are ready.

Reviewing Other Treatments That Can Restore Teeth

For some patients, an alternative form of care through dental bonding and contouring can produce results without the need for permanent restorations. There are times when it takes more than cosmetic treatment to properly address problems with teeth. Through restorative work with dental crowns, we can cover up problems with damage, fix issues with teeth that are undersized, and in some cases take on concerns with significant discoloration.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About The Benefits Of Care With Veneers!

There are many issues that patients can bring up when they ask about cosmetic work. What might surprise you is how often veneers are able to make desirable changes. They can take on a range of flaws, and they can help those who have multiple improvements that they would like to see enjoy results in just a short time! For more details on how this or another cosmetic procedure can benefit you, please reach out to Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.