There are different problems that compel people to ask their dentist about their options for cosmetic treatment. In many cases, patients who inquire about treatment want to make several changes to the way they look. At our Dallas, TX dental practice, we provide different services that can resolve their concerns and give people more confidence in the way they look. One thing we can do for you is target flaws through discreet and conservative dental bonding services. What makes this service appealing is that it can deliver the changes you want while only making minimal changes to your tooth structure. You can have your work completed in just one appointment, and you can see the changes you want without the need for a permanent restoration!
Do You Feel Uncomfortable With Your Smile?
Because a person’s smile is often one of their most prominent features, flaws that affect teeth can feel particularly embarrassing as well as hard to hide. What can you do if you want to cover up a problem with teeth that look discolored, misshapen, damaged, or unsightly for some other reason? There are different cosmetic dental procedures we can recommend based on the concerns that you express. For many people, dental bonding and contouring work can have positive outcomes while only requiring minimal changes to teeth, and while only requiring a single appointment.
Planning Cosmetic Services Through Dental Bonding And Contouring Work
Through tooth bonding and contouring services, we can address dental discoloration, issues with teeth that look chipped or cracked, and even some concerns about tooth shape, size, and alignment. The bonding process depends on a special resin material that we can apply directly to your enamel. The contouring process helps patients who have teeth that appear too large, or those that appear to be jagged or uneven. These processes can take place during the same appointment, so they can produce dramatic improvements in as little as one visit to our practice!
Why You Might Need To Have Your Tooth Restored With A Crown
Through work to restore teeth with dental crowns, we can address cosmetic as well as oral health issues. Custom crowns can be an effective way of dealing with problems that concern your appearance and dental function. Because they can match your tooth structure and also absorb pressure when you bite and chew, they can fully take on problems with a tooth that hurts the quality of your smile and health.
Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Dental Bonding Work
Through dental bonding and contouring services, we can help you make meaningful and lasting changes to your appearance! If you would like to find out more, please reach out to Crown Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-371-3131.